Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid

Sale price$10.50 NZD

Hassan and Aneesa visit the mosque for the first time and observe a number of wonderful things.

The Hassan and Aneesa series is designed to introduce young children to a range of Muslim places. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a range of new experiences.


"a comprehensive look at each step of going to the masjid in an easy to understand way that little children can enjoy" — Jameela Ho, www.ilmaeducation.com

"Bright and colourful, it's a wonderful addition to our bookcase." — www.muslimmummies.com

Collect all the titles in the Hassan and Aneesa series bundle and save! 

Recommended for ages 2 and up. 

Author: Yasmeen Rahim
Illustrated by: Omar Burgess
Format: Paperback
Pages: 28 
Publisher: Kube Publishing
Dimensions: 17 x 19 x 0.3cm

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