"O dear soul who rushes through Prayer, Is there somewhere you absolutely must go... Other than Jannah?" - from the journal of Umm Zakiyyah
Salaah is the second pillar of Islam after the shahaadah. Salaah refers to the five foundational, daily prayers of the Muslim, as well as any voluntary formal prayer or sunnah prayers that complement the obligatory salah.
"Struggling in your emaan? Do you feel dead inside when you pray, make du'a or read Qur'an? Remember this: It's okay to show up empty. Just be sure to show up. And your Lord will fill your heart with the spiritual fuel it needs, eventually. But you have to show up. Show up to prayer. Show up to du'aa. Show up to Qur'an. Just the act of showing up is a powerful act of faith. Allah will take care of the rest."
- excerpt from Salaah is a Blessing Not A Burden